The Missoula Rural Fire District is now utilizing a program that will allow you to help us in providing better service, specific to the needs of your home and family. Community Connect is a website that allows you to input critical information such as home access and family members’ medical conditions, confidentially, and only visible to the MRFD personnel who will be responding. Please visit the Community Connect website at to help us help you!
Month: December 2020
December MRFD Board of Trustees Meeting
Missoula Rural Fire District Board of Trustees will hold a regular meeting on Tuesday, December 8th, 2020 at 7:00P.M. PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION 20-10, adopted April 14, 2020 the Board of Trustees is limiting in person participation to its meetings in accordance with the Governor’s Directive and Opinion of the Attorney General. The location of the meeting will be virtual via Zoom. To join the Zoom Meeting go to:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 869 1774 6212
Passcode: 278808
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+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
Meeting ID: 869 1774 6212
Passcode: 278808
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Please email Fire Chief Chris Newman at if you have any questions.