Homeowners that live within our 84 square miles of service are eligible to annex into the Missoula Rural Fire District.
Annexation is when a homeowner ensures that they are paying taxes to have fire protection for their residence, which is often a crucial piece to having homeowner’s insurance. As of 2023, a home with a median value of $550.000 would have approximate taxes of $73.00 per month.
Does your home have fire protection?
Click here to check the Missoula County website, to see if your home is in the District. If you need help in identifying if your home is annexed, you can call our Station 1 Headquarters at 406-549-6172 and ask to speak with a Deputy Fire Marshal. If you live outside of the city limits, your home might qualify!
Ready to Annex?
Click on the link below to open our annexation form. Please complete, print, sign, and you can either drop it off or mail it to: 2521 South Ave. West, Missoula, MT 59804
Note: All petitions for annexation are subject to review by the Deputy Fire Marshal and require approval from the MRFD Board of Trustees. This is accomplished during the monthly Board of Trustee meetings that take place on the second Tuesday of each month.